See how it Works!

Don’t waste time retyping text from Images, PDF's, or Scanned documents. Snip & Extract allows you to quickly extract text from PDF's, Pictures, or any other locked visuals. It transforms characters within an image into text instantly, saving you time!

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Extract locked text with ease

Tired of retyping text that you can't directly edit? Snip & Extract solves that problem for you! Simply locate the locked text, capture it with Snip & Extract then paste it into your favorite text editor - quick and easy.

Elevate your productivity

Free yourself from the constraints of locked text so you can focus on what truly matters. Snip & Extract's potent OCR capabilities can allow you to seamlessly transition from images to editable content. Snip & Extract optimizes efficiency by saving time and ensuring the precision of extracted text.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Our powerful optical character recognition software ensures you get an excellent dynamic result when selecting and pasting text that you cannot usually edit. Take all the stress out of extracting text from images with Snip & Extract.

Work offline - Stay private

Snip & Extract functions on your desktop without the need for online text conversion websites, so you can rest assured that your sensitive information remains under your control. Say goodbye to the potential risks associated with sharing data online and welcome the peace of mind that comes with local processing.

No Credit Card Required

Get Started with Snip & Extract

Work Process


Open Application on your desktop

Find the Snip & Extract application installed on your computer and launch it


Hover your mouse over the orange box

Find the orange box at the top of your screen and place your cursor over it


Click the capture button

Click on the capture button to launch a content selector


Select the area to extract text from

Drag the content selector around the content you'd like to extract text from


Paste the dynamic text

Open notepad or your favourite text editor and paste the captured text

No Credit Card Required

Grab your Free Trial Today!

Compatible with all PC applications

It can be used with all applications and formats on your PC, encompassing everything from online images and scanned documents to screenshots and beyond.

Lightweight software

Snip & Extract is an intelligently designed lightweight application, ensuring smooth performance and minimal consumption of your systems resources.

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